I finally got to start working and was able to buy these amazing Acne Pistol boots! I am in love and because I know this is forever, I found out the ways to keep me walking in these for at least a decade.

I found a nice shoemaker that convinced me to leave my brand new babies in his caring hands and boy was it worth it! I picked them up the very next day with new outsoles, and while I was trying them on, the young shoemaker was asking about my -obviously- high quality boots. A real shoelover I can tell! He gave me these tips to keep my investment in shape:
1) Always have insoles in your shoes, we perspire 1 dl a day with our feet only, so you DO want to have something between your foot and the shoe.
2) Always let your shoes dry after use: take out the insoles and leave the shoes dry on their sides. The shoes dry better lying on their side than standing. Do not leave your shoes on/near a radiator! It'll damage the leather the same way a hairdryer damages your hair.
3) One day use - two days rest. A natural material like leather needs to rest between use in order to keep its shape. A certain way to ruin your shoes is to wear them 24/7.
4) Polish your shoes regularly. It protects the leather from dirt, water and wear. A coloured (brown/black) polish or cream protects better than a clear one, they say. It also covers scratches and other small marks.
I've considered myself a person that takes care of her shoes but this definitely opened my eyes. I'm gonna have to learn to pay more attention to these things, especially the "rest"-part. I've been planning to wear these boots with EVERYTHING, but I guess I'm not gonna forget my other shoes after all. Or I just need two pairs more to make a three-day cycle... ;)
Let's love our shoes and let it show!
(pic by Acne Studios)
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